Here they are folks! Something Dread.Full Dreads.
The first and second photo below you see is my mom, Peg (Queen of Possibilities), wearing the 2nd set of dreads I EVER made!
We have a matching set. So, mother and daughter dance performance, here we come!
Here I am wearing my Water Sprite dreads. See the photo of me with the lillypad. These are my favorite dreads. So versitile! I'll be using them to be a lady of the lake.
Penny and I at Med Fest. Penny is wearing one of my favored red sets.
She, an amazing jewelry designer, wanted me to play dress up with her hair. So, I put together a set on her with the hair wrap also. Then, (get this!) she went and bought an outfit to match!

She, an amazing jewelry designer, wanted me to play dress up with her hair. So, I put together a set on her with the hair wrap also. Then, (get this!) she went and bought an outfit to match!