The new year brings fun new things - large heating bills to cover warm homes during crazy cold snow storms, the urgent need to put your life in order (is that early spring cleaning), and for me of course, the departure from the holiday commitments (though I don't have many) allows for time to take new classes (not to mention they finally start offering them again!).
So, there we are. There I am. Sono bene!
I've started a Belly Dance class again. Dang, I forgot how much it works your quads. And plus, hello - you have to stay in that for the ENTIRE time. But I still love it. I mean, who doesn't adore getting gussied up in fabulous fabrics with bright shiny things all over them? And then on top of that it's OK to let it all hang out and "shake your thang."
Now, in addition to dance, I've begun an Italian class. I believe I was born to speak Italian. It's is to English what Belly Dance is to the Waltz. I LOVE using the accent and learning the words. There's so much life and spirit in everything you say. It's much more fun than learning both Spanish and Swedish. I mean, you get to be so bloody dramatic. See... told you I was born for it!
So, before all that began, I had been working on my box project that was, um 2 months late. Bad girl! Bad FuFu! However, to redeem myself, I made a Gnome out of Fimo, well Sculpey. I haven't picked that stuff up in like 15 to 20 years. It was a blast. I didn't forget any of my skills. Plus, I went on to the next box (yeah, that's due this Sunday), and made some adorable creatures (can't mention cause Mom might read this and it's her box and she can't see until the project is done in June). But, let me just say, I adore them. I had so much fun and was quite inspired. Although, I think the only reason I was so successful in making all of these is that I each creation had a purpose. I don't know what the heck I'd do with any of these if they weren't going to something specific. So, maybe I'll create more, when I have something or someone to make them for.
So, speaking of making things, I got a new sewing machine and had my serger serviced. I haven't sewed since before Christmas. I am excited to get back into it, but at the same time, I don't want to open it and create a bigger mess. I'm deep in the middle of, "how the heck do I get all this crap organized?"
I've been researching ways to organize my clothes and my crafts. Can I just say I have WAY too much fabric not to mention other things. So, stash dive I must! I think I've made a trip to value village or goodwill at least once a week! Crazy!
I'm so happy the weather has warmed up! The snow and cold and ice were getting me down. Talk about depressing! I was able to walk outside today and not get my pants too mucky. How lovely. I do so love strolling outside.