Sunday, July 27, 2008

Flash Back to Cornucopia Days

Flash back with me to the weekend of July 11th and 12th. Kent annually holds Cornucopia days and Saqra's Studio performs 3 shows between Friday and Saturday evening. I was fortunate enough to be part of the Alahad Shamal troupe performances, the QP Dolls (Nika & FuFu) duet, and have 2 opportunities to solo. It was fabulous!

The crowds really got into the performances and joined in the fun clapping and learning how to Zaghareet. Above is a photo of my first Solo performance. I mixed 3 Wade Robson songs together - had to have "Power" for the exaggerated breathing moment.

We QP Dolls, Nika (in pink) & FuFu (in red) choreographed and performed our duet to "L'ombellico del Mondo" by Jovanotti, a most amazing Italian rapper! The song title translates into "The navel of the world". I mean, how totally appropriate for 2 Belly Dancers.

For those who haven't been entertained by the QP's, it's all about who can outshine the other! We are a slapstick comedy, maybe slapbelly ;) is a better term, routine while still executing amazing bellydance moves. As you can see from our photo on the left, Nika is showing how wonderful she is, while I look on with that, "Oh you!" expression. We very much enjoy performing and making our audience laugh!

And Shakira's Envy (our affectionate name for the number) was performed with any interested students from Saqra's studio as well as both of Saqra's troupes. It's a fun bellytechno number that really gets you pumped to dance. And Saqra's choreography is always fun - plenty of hip snaps into turns. Saqra is a wonderful teacher who entertains and explains the history of the moves/dance as she teaches you. I highly recommend taking classes or workshops from her! Check out her page at

Monday, July 21, 2008

FuFu Love MedFest!

MedFest was a SUCCESS! Thanks to everyone who visited the Wildhair Studio booth. My table was filled with dreads, art, and fabulous fashion. If you're still dreaming about one of my creations, hop on over to my Etsy store and pick one up.

Update on
I've decided to pursue my artwork fully which means I won't be creating fashion to sell for a while. Dreads will be available by custom order only. Please see my store policies for further detail.

Performances at MedFest were absolutely amazing! I was inspired by so many men and women. I give thanks to the Gods for blessing us all with the ability to tell our story through our dance. Keep dreaming, dancing, and inspiring. Let us ebb and flow with one another and unify through dance.

I gave 3 performances at MedFest. First, as a QP Doll with Nika. Second as a member of Saqra's amazing school of dance, and finally as me self, Dread.Full FuFu. Nika & I kicked off the thrills and excitement of Medfest on Saturday morning with our slapstick routine of "who can outshine the other."

Later that afternoon, I was fortunate to be part of the Student performance of Shakira's Envy. Such talent and support. Troupies and Students alike. I am very lucky to dance next to any one of those women.

Finally, on Sunday I boldly, though a bit nervously, entertained the crowd with my rendition of Belly-robo-Hip-Hop. I changed my music Saturday Evening. Yes, I downloaded 3 brand new songs! I listened to the music about 10 times and danced around my house to the tunes with my hat on. Then, I played with mixing up a couple songs. See, to me, the music, costume, and my character all have to feel like they fit together.

I always have a back-up plan. For my solo, I had a 2nd CD with previously performed to music, just in case I had that knowing feeling, "this is not the right time" or "Dance to your known set". Always, always, always, trust yourself! I knew my new music was right on when I kept singing it all day. On top of that, I had beautiful visions of how my performance would be to the new song. "All systems, Go!"

I dressed in my Madd Hattress hat custom designed by Topsy Turvy and a wild array of bits and pieces from my costume closet. I caught the cat "mini-roar" right on time and caused the crowd to laugh! I know I'm doing my best when the audience is enthralled and engaged in my performance. I want to bring you up and shock the heck out of you!

In all my creative pursuits, I'm constantly looking for new ways to re-invent myself. I want to paint the world with my joy and bring something fresh and tantalizingly twisted. I find that following my joy, feeling my music, and dancing daily (even if only going crazy in front of the bathroom mirror) help me feel comfortable in my own skin and at peace with my soul.

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