Monday, September 18, 2006

The Wedding: Voice and Skirt in Action

Mike and Jessica are now Hitched! And what a wedding.

We musicians like to whet our whistles before we put on a show!
I brought the spray bottle to wet the back of my throat (like drinking water) before singing so I wouldn't "muss" my lovely red lipstick. Truely, it worked better than drinking water. It hit right where I needed it. At least it made everyone giggle.

...And laughter helps you to relax before a performance.
(L-R: GG, Nate, & Maria)

C'mon girls, show the groom what he's now gonna miss out on! Ha ha!

Tim & I cut up the dance floor! Y'all do remember the sprinkler, don't you?

How low can ya go?
(L-R: Phil, Ethan, GG, Tim)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hot lady! Hot, hot, hot! YOU are a celebration, my dear. And I really wish there was audio to go with those pictures. I'd love to hear ya sing. Lots of love, hotstuff!

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