Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rose Tomato Explosion

My Garden is just growing like madd! It's very very happy. I've had green tomatoes for the last several weeks. Now my heirloom beauties are bursting with color.

My lettuce has gone to seed and I'm attempting to save seeds for next year. All 7 kinds made for a delicious crop.

Somewhere buried are the bullseye beets. I've not had those before. I'll let you know how they taste.

The Roses (all 12) have bloomed 6 times this summer thanks to my repeated pruning. They're very happy, but all have the spotty rotty thing going on - the leaves turn yellow with black spots then drop off. It's sad. I'll see what I can do to catch it next year - I've been trying to keep the leaves out of the beds - that's supposed to help.
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