Guess what!? I've caught the knitty bug again! It has been a year and a half, maybe more, since I've even had the heart to pick up knitting needles. In college I was obsessive about knitting. I knit hats for everyone's new born babies. I even knit my way through Six Sigma training. Now, that is so "odd" for anyone to even "do" something crafty at my workplace - it's ULTRA conservative. You're thinking - whoa, this girl conservative? No way! Way. But, only at work.
Anyway - the last year has been very depressing, oppressive, and sad for me. My body filled itself with pains; I seriously couldn't knit - my hands, arms, and shoulders would just ache. So, I sewed. It was one of my ways to "get through" my rough times and know that I was capable of so much more!
How much do I love the Scarf Style book? Let me count the ways....
Well, I loved the Rotini-esque design of "Ruffles" by Amanda B. Brown. Mom & I decided to have a competition to see who could finish the scarf first. We both LOVE Noro yarns, especially the silk garden - such color!
So, we began. Both starting off at an even pace. But, Mom & Dad had a nasty employee pulling tricks and attempting to pull the "wool" over their eyes (didn't plan that pun!) . Mom was trying to "get through" (knitting is such therapy) and knit like a fiend on Ruffles while my life got crazy in other ways and the pain took over. So, shortly after we started, she finished! She has a lovely scarf in denim and olive (I chose rose and olive). But, now here I am a year later, with a 75% complete scarf that I'm bored knitting.
Since I caught the knitty bug, I've been visiting the last years worth of knitty.com. In fact, I started listening to Cast-On. I just adore that podcast. I feel like we're good friends chatting in her living room. Both Cast-On and CraftyPod are such well made podcasts that I have been inspired to create my own. So, beginning in January, I'll start casting!
But, I digress! Cast-On mentioned Clapotis and I had to go check it out and re-discover what it looked like. Oh yeah! I loved that when it came out! So, what did I do? I just took a bunch of photo documentation of the work I put into Ruffles and ripped it all out on the way to Dim Sum for Auntie Janice's birthday. It felt good to rip. I ripped for several reasons:
1) I didn't want to purchase any more yarn - 7 drawers is plenty - hoarding is not a national sport, yet!
2) I heart Noro Silk Garden
3) I adore my pashmina scarves and this is what Clapotis represents.
I'll be knitting my way through China. So, I'll take pictures of my knitting along the way. Ooo - this scarf will get to meet the Great Wall! Now, I'll just ned to contain myself to ONE project at a time while in China. I mean, they have HOLES in the ground for toilets. I am SO not going to have any open chances for droppage. Wish me luck - I'm a really great squatter. Hope I don't pee on my pant legs.