I crocheted all through China. I made many things, then just ripped them out right after finishing. It was very satisfying. In fact, I learned lots about different types of yarn with the same hook. Very good experience. Plus, I wasn't so concerned about not getting off the bus because I "had to finish this row."

I finally finished 1 thing: a scarf for my friend C. It was made of 1 skein of lovely purple hand spun, hand dyed wool from the 'ham. It's color runs from rich purple to nearly indigo. C just loves the scarf. In the photos of me, it's only run through the "button hole." Where as I finished with the idea that it wraps around your neck and your head is presented as if the center of a rose or a cabbage. The "petals" or leaves are the scalloped edges of the scarf. I'm quite pleased with the final product.

Photos were taken in Suzhou, China (on the bus). Isn't the color focus feature fun?