Today I was outside for most of the day pruning. Yup. I've self taught (via book) how to prune my roses. As for the Japanese Maples, I consulted my dad - the KING of Ornamental Maples. But, today I did the dirty deed. It's scary how one can just enjoy the speed and pace of the cutting aspect. But, I've really learned that one must make executive decisions, dig in, then walk away, only to return at a later point. Pruning is like artwork. When you start to feel like you're: a) doing too much, b) frustrated, c) confused as to what the next cut/brush stroke should be, d) find your clenching your jaw or hunching your shoulders, then it is probably time to back away (put away the shears or put your drawing in a drawer). Thus, I find it interesting that doing each is relaxing and tensing simultaneously. Both are good for working meditation.
After 5 hours outside, I came in with my kitties (who were MOST entertaining outside climbing trees and meowing for me to pet and reward them for their job well done), and picked up Bill's book. Often I pick an area of the face in which to practice and increase my knowledge of various views and angles. I'm creating depth in my skills as I feel rather one dimensional. So, the lips on "Where the Hell are All The MEN?!" were interesting. How do you create the look of a slight angle - not a profile, not straight on, but a combination of the two? So, I thought I'd try and free hand this page. I really like the way it turned out. The hair is a bit different and the bosom a bit smaller. I learned quite a bit from this page however. The body twist, glossy highlight of the "light source", eyes looking up and to the left. You'll notice if you have Bill's book that the left hand index finger is touching the cheek. I missed that target. Not sure if I placed the head too far back or the fore arm too far away. Bill - you're a great teacher! Thanks!