Monday, June 8, 2009

Change is the Only Thing That Ever Stays the Same

There are some changes afoot. Chaos is in the midst. But, we must always keep in mind that change often reveals good or even GREATER things than we have in our lives today.

While I do consider myself a "Scanner," I feel spread quite thin. Between managing my etsy store, preparing for MedFest, drawing, designing, fashioning, dancing, singing, marketing, working full time, going to night classes, da da da da... I feel the need to reign back in a bit. I'm lacking my passion for creating dreads in multitude. I'm not interested in sketching (could it be the weather? or the fact that I've just finished school?). I haven't brought a knitting project to knit night in nearly a month! I've recently discovered a joy for sewing again, but find my garden calls my name louder than anything.

It is my nature to evolve and try new things. I want to teach other people how to help themselves make what I make. I want to show you all the wild and wonderful discoveries I make. I want to create through the wee hours of the morning. I want to explore the world around me! I want to travel to new lands. I want to try my hand at many different craft topics! I want to teach you how you can be more successful at ANY THING you put your mind to doing. I want to discuss why we choose to create and what drives us to be better. I want to know why, why, why, why, why! Yes, my theme is why. Drove my parents CRAZY!

Customers, service, support, consistancy in a brand are all important to me. My brand must evolve with me. As such, I'm temporarily taking down my etsy store. I will not be selling dreads any longer. I will not be selling costumes. I will not be selling at this point.

I will be exploring creative commons and sharing knitting patterns. I will learn how to write the best and most effective pattern. I will write up all the gosh dang notes I have on creating fun wearable art! I will share what inspires me and give you suggestions on how you can find inspiration. I want to exchange ideas with and meet new artists! I want to learn how or invent new ways we can make it EASY for individuals to comply with copyright.

I feel I have so much to give, yet holding on to my old designs and recreating them is limiting my creativity. Many times I have held onto an idea SO tightly that I've been completely unable to create anything new. I feared that others would steal my ideas and make money from them.

Today I look back at those creations and think, "Meh. I've moved so far beyond that. How could I have let myself believe that was the best I'd ever be?" I am everthing I was then and much more. We all are!

Yes, I do feel marketing, sales, business management, etc. are all very creative fields, many of which I very much enjoy. But I currently do not wish to spend most of my personal time in those areas. I want and plan to create. My passion, my joy for sharing, and my amazing creations will sell themselves as I continue to network with amazing people like you!!!! I am following my heart. I hope that you listen to the song your heart is singing to you.

One day, I may again open a store. But, for now, I know that another fabulous artist will greatly appreciate your patronage. I entice you to watch the wonders that I will create. For you shall be truely amazed. I know I will! :) For I never know what I crazy new thing I shall think up next! Divine inspiration is an amazing gift from the universe.

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