Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dread.Full FuFu wow's the crowd at MedFest

*Update* In order to comply with copyright, I've removed the video from the blog.

Credit to Topsy Turvy Design for my rockin Madd Hatter hat!
I designed and made my belt and tossed the rest together like salad. :)

None of this dance was choreographed. I played around the entire time I was up there. Now, I did know my music like the back of my hand. So, that allowed me a lot of improvisational flexibility. My favorite way to perform - you never know what's going to be next!

Music Credit: GO BUY IT!
Rama Lama (Bang Bang), Roisin Murphy (buy through iTunes)
Wade Robson (click on dance beats - buy through iTunes)

1 comment:

Angela said...

You go girl!!!!
Wow! You seem like such a quiet I know better :)

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