Wednesday, December 3, 2008

QP Dolls @ MedFest

*UPDATE* in order to comply with copyright, I've removed the video from my blog. I will be taking stills of the video and posting them later.

Nika & FuFu co-choreographed this performance. Truly - this is what we're like in "real" life! Silly, funny, and love to catch our time (and our friend's time) in the spotlight if it makes our "audience" laugh with and at us!

What's funny about the bra/belt sets of our costumes is that we each bought them at completely different times. Mine was purchased at a Turkish Market by a friend. Whereas Nika's was purchased from the lovely and talented Saqra 3-4 years later.

Music Credit: GO BUY IT!!!
L'Ombelico Del Mondo, Jovanotti

You'll love all of Jovanotti's stuff!!!

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