Leave me a post and let me know what you think.
Plan is for fuschia leather or metalic pale pink leather.
Keep in mind that my bike is pink too! ;)
a) New Look 6428

b) Neue Mode 23268

c) Neue Mode 23049

d) Marfy 8969-8547b

e) Marfy 1115b

My votes are NeueMode23268, Marfy 1115b.
Very cool idea!
How do you expect me to choose just one?! I guess I like New Look 6428 with a skirt (but the straight bottom not the scallopy), and Marfy 1115b with pants is very cute! Dunno, lady. Tough choice. You'd look hot in a burlap sack though.
Hi!! Definitely Neue Mode 23268- sexy! The catch: you're upper back will be totally exposed to the sun. If you want a little sun protection, then go for New Look or Neue Mode 23049- still sexy minus the burn factor.
NM23049 'a'-style corsetish cover is soooo rad! toss in some elbow length pink leatherette gloves and some fringed chaps - dude, you're in the moneyyyy!
NM23268 reigns in close, though; I dig the squarish neck leading to the flared low panels - hot hot hot leaning back on a bike.
My vote is for Neue Mode 23049 design B.
- Becky
Mmm. NeueMode 23268. You look steller with the halter top. Although, I don't care for the folded collar.
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