I've deviated from the purpose and focus of this blog LONG enough! From now on, I will be focusing on the following:
1. Pattern reviews
2. Instruction reviews
3. Current creations - this includes all artistic adventures!
4. Inspiration
5. What ever the hell else I feel like adding that seems to fit in with my idea of costuming! ;)
That said, I'd like to tell you all that I've spent the day organizing all torn out, dog-eared, post-it tagged, paper towel marked pages from my numerous magazines. I have sorted them into the following categories:
a) Dresses
b) Skirts
c) Tops
d) Coats
e) Pants/Shorts
f) Accessories: shoes, bags, belts, etc.
g) Jewelry
h) Beauty and lingerie
Soon I will be creating inspiration boards. I think I shall hang lots of bulletin boards about and just begin filling them. I think I'll have one board per category. Maybe I'll break them into further categories - seasonal, casual/dressy, trendy, etc. You get the idea. My kitties have very kindly lent their assistance by walking all over and laying upon various pages of inspiration. No matter! They'll all be just find, mind you. Just a bit wrinkled.
I have just recently posted 2 reviews on patternreview.com. One is a Simplicity top and the other is a New Look top.
Well, you know, "tippity toe and off we go!"
(who can name the source of that quote!?)