Sunday, December 30, 2007
Re-Dye: Indian Summer Play Date
We had a play date at my old place a few months ago - when it was warmer. Mom, Lisa, and I went up to the Dye shop in Vancouver on Grandville Island. Oh how we loved that store. It's not much bigger than a walk-in closet, but OH how chock full of goodies it was!
Then, we came back to my place and turned my dusty rose clothing to a lovely shade of purple. Plus, we tried painting floor cloths and using paint on dyes. Great Fun! To top it all off Yank made us girls MaiTai's and walked them by! So, here's a series of fun photos of our play date. The skirt and shirt were originally the color of the tank top I'm wearing in the last photo.
In the dye pot and to the bucket holding area...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Reuse, Recycle, Upcycle, and Donations!
Our grandparents were amazing at this game of reuse and recycle. Hello, can we say button jars? And how many of you have seen the lids of glass jars nailed to the underside of a shelf for containing nails, nuts, bolts, etc.? After living in the 'ham, I've really begun to re-evaluate my shopping decisions.
- What happens to those non-recyclable plastic containers that deli and bakery items are packaged in?
- If I buy all my items on-line, how much more pollutants are being put in the air by long-haul trucks versus me going to a local store?
- If I am supporting local artists, does that help keep art alive in my own community?
- How dependent on other countries should we really be?
- Do I absolutely love this item I'm attempting to buy or am I buying it to fulfill some emotional need that I'm too scared to confront?
Then, I look at packaging. I'm starting to re-evaluate what I buy based on how it's packaged. If I can avoid excessive plastics, I will. If that plastic, or other material, container can serve a second or third purpose in my home, then, often I will make the purchase. Let's look at Altoids containers. I use the gum containers to wind up my ear buds and store them in my purse or bag. It makes them easy to find and I just love the cute oblong container. In the larger containers I store stitch markers, stickers, matchbooks, jewelry, fuses (for work), media cards (compact flash/SD), etc. Oh, and by the way, I want to be the singer, Olata Sweets, in this altoids ad! Hello!
Now, what kind of balance is needed for on-line purchases and local talent. When I'm at a bookstore, the cost of a book (at list price) is many times off putting as I can purchase it from for about 30% off. Now, I consider the addition of the shipping costs and envrionmental effect. Both on-line and brick & mortar stores have shipping costs. On-line you pay for it to arrive to your home. Brick & mortar you don't actually see the costs - you pay for the item and tax. But, both have an impact on the environment. Yesterday, I chose to buy "Sew What! Skirts" at the book store. Why?
- The item had already been shipped to its current location
- I didn't want to buy more books and often the "shipping is free" ($$$) when you buy X amount. I didn't want to spend more.
- I was at the book store because it was near the fabric store and it was on the way home (don't you just love sitting in the craft section and drooling over the latest books?)
- I could look through the book from cover to cover at my leisure deciding if the book really would fit my needs
- I've looked at the book 4 or 5 times already and found I was really looking for a book that wasn't patterns, but how to make skirts with X amount of fabric to fit my body.
- By buying at my local book store, I'm helping to keep it in business so I can go back and visit again.
But, I'm also a HUGE fan of And I do buy/sell things on-line. I don't intend to stop, just choose to make positive decisions about what I'm buying. I've made many, many impulse purchases. Having a positive environmental and economical impact on our world means taking the time to consider what your decisions affect. You have the choice to change your world. I can make attempts to persuade you and others around me (I do it all the time), but I can only change what decisions I make. The rest is up to each person. What kind of world are you choosing?
Now, dependency upon other countries is another "strike a balance" item. By buying items which are manufactured in other countries, under decent working conditions, we help support the livelihood of many families. Yes, our dollar is dropping in value, but it is still higher than that of many other countries. It also brings the world more closely together. They are dependent upon us to purchase their export items and we are dependent upon them for items we need. And, in some small way if that exchange is vital to their economy, then wouldn't that be another reason why two countries could be forced NOT to go to war? This is a stretch, but I think it deserves some consideration.
At the same time, supporting local artists helps keep art alive around you. I know it's the season when everyone thinks of giving. But, so what if it starts now around the holidays. That means we've STARTED! We're thinking about someone or something greater than ourselves.
So, what am I doing? I recently moved. I have WAY too much stuff. Good Gods! I seriously want to have a space to art in. I have LOTS of art supplies I'm not using. My mom has said the same thing. And it's truely sad that there are art supplies stuffed in a box somewhere when there's someone who would benefit from it! I've researched where to donate Arts and Crafts supplies in the Seattle area. Wow, there are tons of places. For more info, see They need many things, not just arts and crafts supplies. There have been many times in my life where creating has saved me. I would not have made it through college had it not been for knitting. And, finally I understand angry art. Being able to make a collage which says, "... The f@#k I will!" really helps to release that anger. If that can help me, then I'd like to pass on the gift.
I'd love to hear your opinions on the subject. I'm always learning and re-evaluating how I live my life. If I've stoked a fire in you one way or another, great! That's exactly what this post was all about. I want to get people thinking about their own choices. It's NOT easy. Especially when you're tired, overworked, stressed, or short on time. I still chose the easy route at times. But, everything we do has an affect on the world around us. What will you do to make it better for the next generation?
Got a creative idea on reusing? I'd be happy to link to your blog/idea or post about it here! Let's get those creative juices flowing so more people can jump on the band wagon!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Remedy for a Bad Hair Day: Aunti Jani's Flower
I must admit. This was amazingly simple. And rather satisfying. Tell you what, I will be using those monsterous beauties Momma (she's Wild Hair Studio) calls crystals again. I just have to get crackin! Hello, can I glue them all over my body? I mean, can I stitch them all along the neckline of all my best shirts? Mom has one color called Volcano. When she unwrapped the vintage paper packaging and showed me, I promptly spilled my tea all over! I believe this is a color we call "Wet The Bed Red" in my family!
*Green Striped Towers of Goo*
I believe I must explain the green and white towers of goo. See, we went to O'Asian for Dim Sum to celebrate Auntie's B-day. I was hoping for Almond Jello, but alas, there was not a jiggle to be found in the entire restaurant. So, I settled for the wiggly striped towers of coconut delight. And, I must admit, it was quite delight-full! It was something like the consistancy of jello jigglers crossed with cheesecake, but a little bit firmer. Yum!
Monday, November 19, 2007
To Bejing and Back!
Jingle! Jangle! Jingle! Jangle!
Now that I've returned, the Holiday Season is upon us! I've been thinking of some fun holiday crafts. I'm thinking velvet, I'm thinking kitchy kool, I'm thinking cocktail party!
I will donate 5% of every purchase on both my etsy stores to charity organizations 11/22 - 12/31. I'm still researching and deciding on the charities. So, if you have any good suggestions, please make a comment.
I will begin offering kits on after the new year. Keep your eyes peeled for more details!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Knitting Again, but Rotini No More!
Guess what!? I've caught the knitty bug again! It has been a year and a half, maybe more, since I've even had the heart to pick up knitting needles. In college I was obsessive about knitting. I knit hats for everyone's new born babies. I even knit my way through Six Sigma training. Now, that is so "odd" for anyone to even "do" something crafty at my workplace - it's ULTRA conservative. You're thinking - whoa, this girl conservative? No way! Way. But, only at work.
Anyway - the last year has been very depressing, oppressive, and sad for me. My body filled itself with pains; I seriously couldn't knit - my hands, arms, and shoulders would just ache. So, I sewed. It was one of my ways to "get through" my rough times and know that I was capable of so much more!
How much do I love the Scarf Style book? Let me count the ways....
Well, I loved the Rotini-esque design of "Ruffles" by Amanda B. Brown. Mom & I decided to have a competition to see who could finish the scarf first. We both LOVE Noro yarns, especially the silk garden - such color!
So, we began. Both starting off at an even pace. But, Mom & Dad had a nasty employee pulling tricks and attempting to pull the "wool" over their eyes (didn't plan that pun!) . Mom was trying to "get through" (knitting is such therapy) and knit like a fiend on Ruffles while my life got crazy in other ways and the pain took over. So, shortly after we started, she finished! She has a lovely scarf in denim and olive (I chose rose and olive). But, now here I am a year later, with a 75% complete scarf that I'm bored knitting.
Since I caught the knitty bug, I've been visiting the last years worth of In fact, I started listening to Cast-On. I just adore that podcast. I feel like we're good friends chatting in her living room. Both Cast-On and CraftyPod are such well made podcasts that I have been inspired to create my own. So, beginning in January, I'll start casting!
But, I digress! Cast-On mentioned Clapotis and I had to go check it out and re-discover what it looked like. Oh yeah! I loved that when it came out! So, what did I do? I just took a bunch of photo documentation of the work I put into Ruffles and ripped it all out on the way to Dim Sum for Auntie Janice's birthday. It felt good to rip. I ripped for several reasons:
1) I didn't want to purchase any more yarn - 7 drawers is plenty - hoarding is not a national sport, yet!
2) I heart Noro Silk Garden
3) I adore my pashmina scarves and this is what Clapotis represents.
I'll be knitting my way through China. So, I'll take pictures of my knitting along the way. Ooo - this scarf will get to meet the Great Wall! Now, I'll just ned to contain myself to ONE project at a time while in China. I mean, they have HOLES in the ground for toilets. I am SO not going to have any open chances for droppage. Wish me luck - I'm a really great squatter. Hope I don't pee on my pant legs.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Office Politics - New Design by Yank
Check these tough babies out! Wear these with your gray power suit into your next meeting with the directors and Bam! Ain't nobody gonna mess with you Girl!
These beauties go from dark gray toes to nearly white at the heels. Then, atop that, they've got wicked purple barbed wire circling your foot. A simple design that speaks for itself. Nice job Yank!
Happiness = New Job + New Home
Another thrill of this job is that it is MUCH closer to my family. Now instead of being 2 hours, I'm 1/2 hour! Plus, this puts me closer to the city. I found a wonderful place to live that's cozy. The house was built in the 50's and all my collectible antiques look like they were made for this house. The neighborhood is great! I think I just may have Trick-or-Treaters this year.
I do find that I'm having to significantly re-adjust my "autopilot" or frame of reference. No, it doesn't just automatically change when you move! I keep having to remind myself which exit is "mine" and re-think how I'm going to drive home from work or from my parents. I love it, but I've been through a ton of change. The furry girls are still getting used to things also. But, they're quite adjusted now. They've even gone outside for the day and didn't forget to come home.
So, now that I've made all the changes, I'll be getting back to my regular blogging and creations. The Etsy store has been great! We sold a pair of Yank's shoes (spiderweb pumps) and the Trouble skirt went. I'm really pleased that we've been able to bring some funky and unusual pieces of wearable art to the greater web community.
Halloween is Wednesday and Bananan, Torgmeister, & I dressed as a Wild West Trio. I was crazy enough to create a Saloon Girl look just for the Saturday before Halloween bar hopping. I'll be getting photos soon. Wait until you see - I created a head to toe look. We loved our costumes so much that we MUST have a Wild West party next year. Maybe it could be our MardiGras theme...
In addition to the Saloon Girl costume, Bananan & I dressed as a James Bond movie theme for our Charity Costume Contest at work. Both dressed as kitties (ears, tails, masks, faux 60's hair, leopard print shirts and black skirts), she had "O-C" & I had "-T-O" on back of our shirts. Can you guess what we were? Well, we WON! 1st prize = James Bond edition of "Scene It!" I can't wait to play.
So, even more fun was I joined the band in my new division for the kick off rally of our Charity week. One week after I started my new job I dressed as a bond girl/Nancy Sinatra-esque and sang spy songs as the Lead Singer of the band! What a way to introduce myself to all my new IT co-workers. Geeks are cool! Now, everyone there knows me. That was a great way to introduce myself. Me, shy? Never!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Conservative Lady's Interview Suit
- I'd put lighter weight buttons on the jacket. These one's have a long shank and the metal clanked on the interview table all day (I'm so expressive w/ my hands, you know!)
- I'd allow for a lower neckline on the jacket. My next jacket is going to be a shawl collar so that I can show off more of my lovely shirts!
- Different collar. I love the collar on this jacket, but it doesn't match any of the collared shirts I've purchased since making it. Dang, collar-less shirts only.
- Interface the waistband. I thought I could get away without it - actually I forgot it in my haste to finish the pants several months ago (for some unknown reason now). I've realized that it'll help out with much of the stability of the closures.
- slit holes in the waistband for inserting the base of the hooks/eyes into the "wrong sides" of the waist band. I saw this on one of my ready-to-wear pants and the darn thing never comes off!
- Boot leg, not wide leg. I feel like a bell with tiny little feet.
- I'd try this shirt in a knit or a stretch cotton. But, it's really comfortable as is. Bows too near the bottom. I think this would be nice in a stretch or jersey wool as an over sweater.
- Take in at the shoulders. This was a bit poofy at the shoulders and displayed my bra straps nicely when I wasn't careful about keeping it tamed.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Leaner and Greener
So, I said to myself, "Gwen, how can you do this in your life?" First, see what I can transfer from garbage to composting. Second, evaluate what items are paper recyclable that I'm currently trashing. And Third, look into the potential recyclability of items that currently think of as trash: plastics not taken by recycling, electronics, fabric scraps. Today, I'll discuss my discovery of food recycling options in Bellingham.
I had heard some information about Bellingham's new recycling, but didn't know if it was more money put out than return for the environment. It costs twice as much, though still not a huge ping on my pocket, as my current yard waste pick up by City Organics. I LOVE these guys. They've snagged my can from the side yard on days when I've forgotten to put it out. I really want to continue to use them so, my first step was to investigate City Organics ability to take dairy and meat scraps as well as food-soiled paper in addition to the current pick up of yard waste. Unfortunately, they only take items which are grown on the earth. I have decided to keep City Organics for a while - seems I have a bit more yard waste that can be hauled off.
My next step was to request 'Food Plus! Recycling' from SSC. This option allows me to put a ton of my food scraps into the compost bin. Amazingly, I threw away a ton of napkins and paper towels that can now be composted. What's even cooler is that this compost will return to Whatcom County as soil several years from now. More information about SSC's 'Food Plus! Recycling' can be found at their website: I must admit, the biggest frustration about this is the fruit flies. UGH! They seem to take over my kitchen. Plus, the smell is horrendous if you leave meat in the bin outside to cook in the sun. I haven't discovered a better way to handle this yet.
Next week, I'll discuss paper recycling, what I've realized is recyclable and how it affects each room in my home.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
How much do I love thee.... let me count the flames!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
ME Reunion
* Vintage patch (a score at a local store) on the front
* Boat neck collar with purple lace
* Pinched and tucked sleeves
As for the reunion...There were about 12 of us and it was really quite fun. Everyone looked wonderful! Joe got married and is going to India for a while with his Wife. Sean and Andy are up in the "Muck." Marshall is out wreaking havoc all over South Seattle. Will is married with 2 adorable children. Ferg has a cool bike - even rode in... I know I'm forgetting some people... and Heidi was prepared, as always, with FABULOUS photos of days gone by... I'd forgotten that she even took photos of drawings I did on the chalk board for peoples birthdays and such. Even though we gave her a hard time, I really thought it was cool to see the photos of days gone by. Ah yes, waxing nostalgic!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Dirty Rotten Yank
Today I'm featuring photos of him and his work. You'll also find that there is a new set of FLAMED shoes posted on You know you're gonna want them!
Now we find Yank hard at work on the lid of the vintage cooler. Usually, he's got some Blues playing in the background while he concentrates on his designs. I think he even keeps the juices flowing with a tall boy (PBR?)
Here's the cooler that Yank Pinstriped.
<------------ Isn't it Wicked!?
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Knotty Little Pirate Girl
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Dreads are on ETSY!
I've just posted 1 set of dreads on The store is open!
I plan on posting more of my pre-made dreads in the next few days.
Keep in mind, FuFu also will make you custom dreads! I adore working with people to acheive the most flattering and fun look.
May your imagination and soul soar open and free!
Monday, August 6, 2007
HotRod-A-Rama: Who You Lookin At?
How much did I love HotRod-A-Rama?! So much, I want my own HotRod for next year. Wow. Just, wow! The rods ran fat and low, while the guys were drawing designs on the lovely dolls!
And above, you'll find Lovely FuFu (L) and Dirty Bananan (R) are both pictured wearing creations by me, FuFu of SomethingDread.Full. Bananan dressed as a dirty house wife, complete with wooden spoon for spanking! I attempted to be Ms. Glam with a shot of shocking colors. Yes, Bananan finally found some boys to spank. Don't worry, we knew them and they LIKED it! Oh Torgy!!!!!!!
FuFu's Outfit
Fabric: Royal Purple Dupioni Silk
Pattern: Bodice = Vintage Butterick 2488 [circa 1960's], Skirt = Vintage McCall's 5703 (front pleats --> darts)[1960]
Jewelry: designed and created by FuFu and CC of Columbia. The Necklace beads are turquoise shot with color. The earrings are colored wood with bits of old LP's.
Bananan's Outfit
Fabric: Alexander Henry Skulls (cotton quilting) with Red Bias Trim.
Pattern: Walk Away Apron Dress Butterick B4790
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Etsy Store: SomethingDread.Full
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Something Dread.Full on Google Page Creator!
Check out --> Something Dread.Full on Google Page Creator
Also, I emplore you to visit Google Transit. Give your location/destination, find your bus route!
Oh what a wonderful thing - design freedom and to have your creations supported and encouraged!
Monday, July 30, 2007
FuFu's Pirate Queens
So, here we are! The lovely, the buxom, the ladies of the night! Ha!
The rehersal (a mere hour prior to the performance) resulted in significantly better photos than the performance itself. Sun Sprite was kind enough to test out her new camera on us!
We really did enjoy ourselves, despite the spittingly rainy weather! I think the moment I tossed the chocolate coins into the air and my view of them will be forever burned into my memory. Well, more accurately, my pressing thought, "Oh my God, will these bonk anyone on the head!?"
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
She's a Pirate!
Monday, April 30, 2007
HaflaNW brings you FuFu's Jungle Girl, minus the music
Well, the time after intermission came for my performance. I was just going to get out there and improvise to Buda. I planned to sing this bit "My Own Home" from the Jungle Book. I thought, "Oh yeah, balance this bowl on my head while acting like the water girl, dance around a bit, do my party trick, Buda kicks in, more dancing and wowing the crowd, then I'd walk out singing the latter part of "My Own Home." But NO!
I had to go and grab the wrong frickin CD. I pulled some audio book I was listening to in the car instead of my Dance CD. OH MY Goodness!
So, I'm whistling and walking in with the bowl. I make my way to center stage and pose. No music. I'm waiting... waiting... waiting... I hear someone whisper, "Is she supposed to do something?" So, I smile at the audience quite coyly. Hee hee hee hee... I pose as for a photo. Oh, here's another photo op - next pose. And another... Then, the CD comes on and it's frickin Rhonda Byrnes telling everyone about The Secret!
Oh the terror you could see in my eyes. But, I played it off. I made some graceful gestures for "CUT!!! You silly man in the back pushing the play button! Can't you see this is entirely WRONG? There's no music going on! Good Gods help me now!" I said Gods because in crazy situations such as this, one must ask for as much help as one can possibly get. So, DJ in the darkness finally sees my desparate attempts to cut the music. I mean really! What was I going to do? Dance to someone speaking? I don't think so!
So, I tell the audience, "Why don't I just sing and dance for you now." To which I received much cheering. I think I started to become like one of those reality TV shows that is so utterly painful that it hurts to watch, but you CANNOT tear your eyes away. I couldn't even hear the audience breathe. But I did.
I took my bowl off my head, pretended that I was in the forest singing to my bowl because it was the only one that would listen. I imagined myself by the side of the water, singing of always having "to fetch the water". I sang the story to the audience of how one day I would grow up and "have a handsome husband and a daughter of my own." I finished the main body of the song, placed the bowl on my head, turned to carry my water back home, and with the bowl balanced atop my head, I curtsied so deeply my right knee touched the ground.
It wasn't my best day of singing. I kept forgetting to breathe and the key of the song; and with my adreneline pumping, I was afraid my voice would crack. I just hate to have an audience hear that. It makes me cringe. But - luckliy I avoided the crack-ege (get your mind out of the gutter!). I mean, I haven't tried to belly dance and sing simultaneously. That is amazingly hard!
It wasn't my best day of dancing. I had planned to so much more. I had ami's and turns and belly tricks tucked in my belt. But, alas - it was a wonderful performance.
Many dancers came up to me after and said that they could never do what I just did. They were shocked and amazed that I kept going. One woman told me she would have run off stage. After the show, many people thanked me and told me how amazingly brave I was. People even told me I had a wonderful voice.
I was in shock. Had I really done that? I had and I pulled it off! So - when's the next performance?
If you'd like to see a mini-video of it... check here:
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Stroopwafels and the Raffle Shirt
I love Stroopwafels. Mike just brought some back from the Netherlands. mmmm.... They are filled with maple syrup or caramel and smashed together with thin waffles that are similar to ice cream cones. "Ahm-yum-mrf-rem" That's the sound of me eating this one.
It is LOVELY! It started out as a size large and worked it's way into a size small.
Material: One Large Cotton short sleeve PTC T-shirt, One size 12 Cotton Lycra striped button up shirt
Pattern Inspiration: DvF famous wrap/trench dress, Zac Posen orange dress that Kate Bosworth is wearing in Vogue, Business Appropriate attire for an engineer that is still fashionable
Design Elements: Cuffs from button up, puffed sleeves at cuff, gathered sleeve at shoulder cap, deep v-neck with gathers under bust, gathers at front shoulder seams, corset-ish fitted midriff (bust to hip), logo on the left hip (used to be on the left breast).
Make Again? Yes I would make this for myself next time.
Modifications for Next: Start with a size XL or XXL T-shirt with LONG sleeves, wrap the T-shirt material at the cuff rather than gathering, extend the cuff to end at the top of the forearm rather than the bicep
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Ruby Dance Skirt & 1+3 Top
Oh did I ever have fun this weekend! I made a practice skirt for dance.
It flits and flutters to my hearts content! I'm wearing it tucked into my hips at each side. The full length hem actually hits at my knees.
Print: Pucci print in pink, grey, black and white
Pattern Inspiration: Designed after Ruby's brown dance skirt
Design Elements: U-shaped hemline, skirt front/back built in side seam godets, spiral ruffle at hem of skirt front/back, shaped yolk
Make Again? Absolutely! The fabric was the perfect choice: light and drapey. The side fullness flips forward and back when I snap my hips. This is perfect for Belly or Latin dance.
Modifications for Next: I would lower the hemline 8 inches, reduce the waist measurement by 2-3", add a 1/4" or 1/2" elastic, try a point at the side seams rather than a rounded edge
*I just found out Ruby bought this skirt from American Apparel. How did they design a dance skirt and not even know it!?*
1+3 TOP
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Enough deviation I tell you. It's time for some Inspiration!
1. Pattern reviews
2. Instruction reviews
3. Current creations - this includes all artistic adventures!
4. Inspiration
5. What ever the hell else I feel like adding that seems to fit in with my idea of costuming! ;)
That said, I'd like to tell you all that I've spent the day organizing all torn out, dog-eared, post-it tagged, paper towel marked pages from my numerous magazines. I have sorted them into the following categories:
a) Dresses
b) Skirts
c) Tops
d) Coats
e) Pants/Shorts
f) Accessories: shoes, bags, belts, etc.
g) Jewelry
h) Beauty and lingerie
Soon I will be creating inspiration boards. I think I shall hang lots of bulletin boards about and just begin filling them. I think I'll have one board per category. Maybe I'll break them into further categories - seasonal, casual/dressy, trendy, etc. You get the idea. My kitties have very kindly lent their assistance by walking all over and laying upon various pages of inspiration. No matter! They'll all be just find, mind you. Just a bit wrinkled.
I have just recently posted 2 reviews on One is a Simplicity top and the other is a New Look top.
Well, you know, "tippity toe and off we go!"
(who can name the source of that quote!?)
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
VOTES PLEASE: Pink Leather Biker Chick Top
Leave me a post and let me know what you think.
Plan is for fuschia leather or metalic pale pink leather.
Keep in mind that my bike is pink too! ;)
a) New Look 6428
b) Neue Mode 23268
c) Neue Mode 23049
d) Marfy 8969-8547b
e) Marfy 1115b
My new PJ Pants and Barbarella
I've been reading Elle and Vogue lately. One of the movies that is influencing current fashion is Barbarella. I decided I should watch the movie and see what the fuss is all about. Oh... my... Gawd! I laughed out loud! Cheezy! Corny! Way too much time spelling out for the viewer that Pygar was flying. It epitomizes the 60's... love, sex, drugs. But, Jane does have some fun outfits. So, I pulled a couple photos from the latest runway shows. Oh my the designers are infatuated with Space Odyssey.
Oh yes, my new infatuation is I just printed the pattern and have selected my test fabric - pink zebra! Yeoww!